General Cemetery

General Cemetery Cementerio General in Spanish is an Peruvian supernatural horror film directed by Dorian Fernandez Moris. Written by Javier Velasquez, the plot is based on urban legends in the citys main cemetery. The film stars Airam Galliani, Nikko Ponce, Leslie Shaw, Marisol Aguirre, among others. It is produced by Iquitosbased Audiovisual Films company. The filming began in January 2012 in Iquitos. Moreover, it is an indirect sponsored film due to its ample, solicited budget support by stateowned and privately held entities.

Set in Iquitos, the story follows Andrea Airam Galliani, a 15yearold teenage girl, who suffers after the death of her father. Her friends from school convince her to try and contact her father using a ouija board. However, this triggers a series of terrifying events.General Cemetery was conceived in early 2011. The screenplay was cowritten by Javier Velasquez and Dorian Fernndez. The story is based in urban legends about the citys main cemetery, which were condensed in the script, and compacted to the investigation of facts. ........

Source: Wikipedia